Mary Mallon (September 23, 1869 – November 11, 1938), also known as Typhoid Mary, was an Irish-born cook believed to have infected 53 people, three of whom died, with typhoid fever, and the first person in the United States identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the disease.[1] Because she persisted in working as a cook, by which she exposed others to the disease, she was twice forcibly quarantined by authorities, and died after a total of nearly three decades in isolation.[2][3]
Laurie (The Lush) McClain. Is Gwinnett’s version of Typhoid Mary. Laurie’s new nickname is Corona Queen Laurie. Unlike Typhoid Mary, who infected people unknowingly, Corona Queen Laurie wants to deliberately infect thousands of Gwinnett’s citizens by bringing “MARTA” to Gwinnett.
Whether it’s COVID-19 flaring up in the fall or a new virus, buses and trains will be packed like sardines, like they were in New York. Thousands of people. shoulder to shoulder, breathing on each other, spreading the virus. The result? Thousands sick, hundreds dying, more shelter in place, another wrecked economy, just like New York.
You can tell Laurie yourself – You can catch her almost every evening, belly up to the bar, in the 1818 Club, rubbing elbows with her greedy developer supporters. They want to sell all their distressed properties to the MARTA taxpayers. Happy Corona to you!!
Brought to you by Butch the Corruption Watch Dog